lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

In the afternoon of the peace day

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El viernes por la tarde nos reunimos todo el colegio en el hall para conmemorar el día de la paz.
Recitamos poesías de la paz, como la de Gloria Fuertes, y cantamos las canciones que habíamos aprendido durante la semana. Los de infantil "No te quieres el día de la paz" y "War, what is for?". Los de primaria "Shiny Happy People" y "Waka waka". Aunque estuvimos un poco apretados por que no pudimos salir al patio por la lluvia, nos lo pasamos muy bien cantando y bailando el Waka, waka.
On Friday afternoon the whole school met in the hall to commemorate the day of peace. We
recited poems of peace, like that of Gloria Fuertes, and sang the songs we had learned during the week. The kids sang "Do not want to find out ... is the day of peace" and "War, What is for?". The primary children sang "Shiny Happy People " and "Waka waka. " Although we were a little tight because we could not leave the yard in the rain, we had a great time singing and dancing Waka waka

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