"Hoy en 3º hemos hecho un taller de consumo. Nos han explicado lo que significa consumir y después hemos hecho pan. Hemos mezclado agua, harina, sal y levadura. Lo hemos amasado con nuestras manos. Luego hemos cogido un poco de la masa y le hemos dado forma. Nos lo llevaremos a casa y después de ponerlo en el horno tendremos nuestro bollo de pan. ¡Estamos deseando comérnoslos! "
Today we have done a workshop of consumption. they have explained to us what it means consumption, then we made bread. We mixed with water, flour, salt and yeast. We have amassed in our hands. Then we caught a bit of mass and gave it shape. We'll take it home and after putting it in the oven have our bun. We look forward to eat them!
Today we have done a workshop of consumption. they have explained to us what it means consumption, then we made bread. We mixed with water, flour, salt and yeast. We have amassed in our hands. Then we caught a bit of mass and gave it shape. We'll take it home and after putting it in the oven have our bun. We look forward to eat them!
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