Por la tarde no pudimos celebrar el desfile y el baile de carnaval en el patio por culpa de la lluvia. Nos reunimos todos en el hall y allí la reina y el rey del carnaval leyeron el pregón y, después, cada nivel cantó y bailó la canción que habían elegido. Al final todos bailamos "Moving". Casi todos nos disfrazamos, también los profes. Fue muy divertido. Tenemos unas cuantas fotos y poco a poco iremos poniendo algunos videos de la fiesta.
In the afternoon we could not hold the parade and carnival dance in the courtyard because of the rain. We all met in the hall and there the King and Queen of Carnival read the opening speech and then the children of every grade sang and danced the song they had chosen. At the end we dance Moving'. Lot of us dressed up, also the teachers. It was fun. We have a few photos and little by little we will be putting some videos of the party
In the afternoon we could not hold the parade and carnival dance in the courtyard because of the rain. We all met in the hall and there the King and Queen of Carnival read the opening speech and then the children of every grade sang and danced the song they had chosen. At the end we dance Moving'. Lot of us dressed up, also the teachers. It was fun. We have a few photos and little by little we will be putting some videos of the party
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