La banda sonora del colegio en esta semana va a estar formada por dois temas. Por un lado, dentro de los conciertazos del Meseta vamos a escuchar la danza macabra de Camile Saint-Saens, poema sinfónico de 1875 que describe a la Muerte tocando el violín a media noche. A su ritmo bailan los esqueletos. Al amanecer con el canto del gallo, los muertos vuelven a su tumba.
Por otro, escucharemos la canción Halloween Rules, que muchos niños ya saben.
The soundtrack of the school this week will consist of two pieces. On one hand, within the Meseta conciertazos we will hear the macabre dance of Camille Saint-Saens, 1875 symphonic poem depicting Death playing the violin at midnight. To the rhythm dancing skeletons. At dawn with the crowing of the cock, the dead return to his grave.
Furthermore, we will hear the song Halloween Rules, many children already know.
Por otro, escucharemos la canción Halloween Rules, que muchos niños ya saben.
The soundtrack of the school this week will consist of two pieces. On one hand, within the Meseta conciertazos we will hear the macabre dance of Camille Saint-Saens, 1875 symphonic poem depicting Death playing the violin at midnight. To the rhythm dancing skeletons. At dawn with the crowing of the cock, the dead return to his grave.
Furthermore, we will hear the song Halloween Rules, many children already know.