En la gruta del rey de la montaña es un fragmento de la música compuesta por el noruego Edvuard Grieg para la obra Peer Gynt. La obra de fantasía escrita en verso cuenta las aventuras del joven aldeano Peer Gynt en busca de riqueza, poder y amor. En esta escena Peer intenta salir a escondidas del castillo del rey de la montaña. Es descubierto y perseguidos por los trolls que le amenazan con devorarlo sino se casa con la hija del rey. Peer escapa milagrosamente al sonar las campanas lejanas.
Esta obra ha tenido muchas versiones. Entre ellas, podéis oir, y ver, la formidable interpretación de la banda de heavy metal Apocalyptica
In the Hall of the Mountain King is a piece of music composed by the Norwegian Edvuard Grieg for the work Peer Gynt. The work of fantasy written in verse tells the adventures of the young peasant Peer Gynt in search of wealth, power and love. In this scene Peer tries to sneak out of the castle of the king of the mountain. He is discovered and pursued by the trolls that threaten to devour him but marries the king's daughter. Peer miraculously escapes when distant bells ringing.
Esta obra ha tenido muchas versiones. Entre ellas, podéis oir, y ver, la formidable interpretación de la banda de heavy metal Apocalyptica
In the Hall of the Mountain King is a piece of music composed by the Norwegian Edvuard Grieg for the work Peer Gynt. The work of fantasy written in verse tells the adventures of the young peasant Peer Gynt in search of wealth, power and love. In this scene Peer tries to sneak out of the castle of the king of the mountain. He is discovered and pursued by the trolls that threaten to devour him but marries the king's daughter. Peer miraculously escapes when distant bells ringing.
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