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El viernes pasado los alumnos de sexto hicieron un festival para los niños de infantil y primero. Con máscaras y disfraces interpretaron varias canciones de los Cantajuegos y algunas otras en inglés. Los peques se lo pasaron en grande y también bailaron y cantaron algunas de las canciones. Al final todos grandes, pequeños y profes cantaron y bailaron "Soy una Taza"
Last Friday, the sixth graders did a festival for infants and first gradersd. With masks and costumes, performed several songs from the Cantajuego and some others in English. The kids had a great time. They also danced and sang some songs. In the end all the big ones, the small ones and teachers sang and danced "I am a mug"
Last Friday, the sixth graders did a festival for infants and first gradersd. With masks and costumes, performed several songs from the Cantajuego and some others in English. The kids had a great time. They also danced and sang some songs. In the end all the big ones, the small ones and teachers sang and danced "I am a mug"
Soy una taza
(Poco a poco iremos poniendo diferentes videos de la actuación)
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