Tomorrow is Halloween at school. In the morning we will be decorating terrifyingly, then wil sing and dance spooky songs and in the afternoon we will visit the tunnel of terror.
This year we have a new assistant who will be working with 3rd graders.
"He is Nick and he´s from Chicago (USA). He has visited Spain, French, Italy and Portugal.
In Spain he has only visited Madrid but he wants to visit more cities.
He went to Reina Sofia museum, Archaeological Museum and to the Retiro Park.
He came to Madrid because he wanted to work with children."
Se llama Nick y es de Chicago (USA) .Ha visitado:España, Francia, Italia y Portugal. En España solo ha visitado Madrid pero quiere conocer otra ciudad.
Ha ido al museo Reina Sofia, al museo Arqueológico y al Retiro.
Nick ha venido a Madrid porque quería trabajar con niños.
"Hoy hemos observado por el microscopio un bicho,una pulga,una gota de agua,dos pelos y un tejido del intestino de un pájaro ¡Ha sido increíble! "
"Today, we looked through a microscope, an insect, a flea, a drop of water, two hair and tissue from the intestine of a bird. It has been incredible!"